Who Are We?

A Hackproof Web Machine ®

Hackproof Technologies Inc is a Florida corporation that provides Hackproof security solutions via systems engineering services, rapid prototyping, and technology innovation. Hackproof Web Machines, LLC is our Delaware LLC subsidiary that develops, tests, delivers, and supports Hackproof Web Machines® for commercial clients. Our corporate goal is for the Internet to become Hackproof.

The Honorable Michael W. Wynne, cofounder and Chairman and Dr. Joseph Mitola III, cofounder, President and CEO created Hackproof.

Briefly, Mike Wynne was the 21st Secretary of the US Air Force, the Secretary credited with introducing Cyber into the USAF mission.  Dr. Mitola is credited with inventing high end disruptive communications technologies critical to US military and commercial applications worldwide.

Wynne and Mitola teamed up to create a singularly disruptive approach, architecture, and high end products for your complete commercial success in cyberspace. Hackproof Technologies Inc is dedicated to creating a cyberspace in which personal information is safe by default versus today's sorry state of affairs where your data is at risk by default.